Make sure each of the fractions have the same denominator
1. Look for the L.C.M for the denominators (5,4 and 3)
2. Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the number that when you multiply the denominatory with you will get the L.C.M
3. Once the denominators are the same, arrange the fraction using the values of the numerators
The L.C.M of 5, 4 and 3 is 60
The L.C.M is the least number you can find in the multiplication of each of the numbers you are looking for the L.C.M
Multiplication of 5
Multiplication of 4
Multiplication of 3
As you can see the least number you can find in the multiplication table of 5,4 and 3 is 60
Denominator 5
5 x 12, gives 60, hence we have to multiply the numerator (3) and the denominator (5) by 12
Denominator 4
4 x 15, gives 60, hence we have to multiply the numerator (1) and the denominator (4) by 15
Denominator 3
3 x 20, gives 60, hence we have to multiply the numerator (2) and the denominator (3) by 20
Arrange the numerators in order being requested. In this question we are asked to arrange from the lowest to the highest