Define the term power.
If a machine hauls a packing case of mass 50 kg up a building that is 10 m high in 30 s, calculate the power of the machine.
[g = 10 m-2]
What is a simple machine?
Give two examples of a simple machine?
Define power
State the S.I unit of power
Explain why the efficiency of a machine cannot be equal to 100%.
A simple machine moves a load of 20 N through a distance of 2 m. If it uses an effort of 25 N which moves through a distance of 4 m, calculate the
work input;
work output;
efficiency of the machine.
The diagram below represent a simple machine.
What class of simple machine does it represent?
Name the parts labelled I, II and III
Give two examples of machines used in everyday life which work on the same principle as the system illustrate above.
Explain why an inclined plane is classified as a machine.
Give two reasons why the output energy of a machine is always less than the input energy.
The energy input of a machine is 7.5 J and the output energy is 5.0 J.
Calculate the efficiency of the machine.
Explain why the efficiency of a machine is always less than 1.
What is a machine?
Write down an expression for the efficiency of a machine.
Define work
State the unit of work
What is a machine?
Give one example each of a
first class lever
second class lever
third class lever
State the unit of work
A body of mass 80 kg is lifted vertically through a distance of 5.0 m.
Calculate the work done on the body.
[g = 10 ms-2]
Define the following:
What is a lever?
Give two examples of second class levers
An amount of 300.0 J of work is done when a force moves through a distance of 10.0 m in the direction of the force. Calculate the value of the force.
Classify the following as first class lever, second class lever or third class lever by copying and completing the table below:
Beam balance, crowbar, wheel barrow, a pair of scissors, claw hammer, sugar tong, human fore-arm and bottle opener
First class lever | Second class lever | Third class lever |
Define each of the following
Mechanical advantage of a machine
Velocity ratio of a machine
A system of levers is used to overcome a resistance of 3,000 N when an effort of 150 N is applied to it. Calculate the mechanical advantage of the system.
A rigid bar is used to lift a stone
Draw a diagram showing the effort, pivot and load positions
If the length of the bar is 100 cm and the pivot is placed 80 cm from the effort, calculate the load distance
A box is pulled by a force of 20 N through a distance of 8 m along a smooth floor.
Calculate the work done by the force.
Define energy
A body of mass 100 kg is placed at a point 2 m above the ground. What is the potential energy of the body with reference to the ground?
[Take g = 10 ms-2]
Mention the device which could be used to carry a heavy body onto a truck.
Name four simple levers used in everyday life.
Draw a lever and label the pivot, effort and load on it
Classify the following under first class, second class and third class levers.
Sugar tong
Bottle opener
Paper cutter
A pair of scissors
Fishing rod
Claw hammer
What is work?
A block of wood of mass 10 kg was dragged through a distance of 3.2 m when a force of 20 N was applied. Calculate the work done.
A bag of cement is pulled along a smooth horizontal floor with a horizontal force of 1000 N.
If the work done is 100,000 J, calculate the distance through which the bag is pulled.
A boy pulled a load through a distance of 5 m. If he exerts a force of 15 N in the direction of the force, calculate the work done
A horizontal force of 250 N is applied to pull a piece of wood lying on a smooth surface through a distance of 20 m.
Calculate the work done.
Name two types of simple machines.
State three ways of caring for farm machines.
Explain the following terms as applied to machines:
work input;
work output.
State one factor that limits work output for a given work input in a simple machine.
A force of 10N causes a body to move a distance of 5.2m in the direction of the force. Calculate the work done.
If the work input of a machine is 30 joules, what would be its efficiency when the work output is 25 joules?