


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it

I recently attended a programme entitled Healthy Smile. The programme was organized by the Association of Dentists in my region to sensitize the public on the need to develop and maintain good oral hygiene.

The main speaker, who was a dentist, noted that many people came to clinics with various oral diseases that were preventable if only they had taken their oral health seriously. Not brushing the teeth regularly encourages the accumulation of plaque along the gum line, creating a suitable environment for bacteria to thrive, especially between the gum and the teeth. This could lead to gum infection known as gingivitis, and if left untreated can develop into more serious gum infections such as periodontitis and trench mouth.

Unfortunately, oral diseases are not limited to the mouth. Medical research has shown that over five hundred species of bacteria live in the mouth at any given time. These bacteria constantly form a sticky colourless film called dental plaque. If these bacteria get into the bloodstream, coupled with a compromised immune system, an individual may develop an infection in another part of the body. For instance, a person with a weakened immune system may develop endocarditis, a situation where bacteria from the mouth, enter the bloodstream and get attached to the lining of the heart valves.

Besides losing one's teeth, more serious health conditions may develop. Recent research has shown that pregnant women with severe gum infections are at increased risk of producing labour-triggering hormones too early. The theory is that oral bacteria release toxins, which travel through the mother's bloodstream to the placenta and interfere with the growth and development of the foetus. This increases the chances of having preterm and low birth weight babies.

After the initial sensitization, the organizers taught the attendees how to care for their mouths and emphasized that people must brush and floss regularly. The facilitator demonstrated that the brush must be moved across the teeth using a small circular motion, cleaning one tooth at a time and reaching the crevices between the teeth. The tip of the bristles must remain against the gum line but must not be pressed too hard. This motion should be repeated to clean the backside of the upper and the lower teeth. The tongue should also be cleaned with a few gentle brush strokes from the back to the front. After brushing for about three minutes, the mouth should be thoroughly rinsed with water or a good mouthwash.

Another facilitator noted that many people's diet needed to be replaced with a more balanced and healthy one. She said that people must avoid snacking on sugary food such as candies and sugary gums. This made people laugh as almost everyone was chewing on a gum or a snack to ward off the fatigue of having been seated for so long. The facilitator further noted that serious health challenges are preventable by regularly visiting a dentist. At least once every six months was recommended. We were also encouraged to enquire from dentists about some kind of materials used to coat the top chewing surfaces of the back teeth. These are called dental sealants and serve to protect the teeth from decay.

The moderator of the programme summarized the issues raised and concluded that healthy teeth are needed for a healthy smile. It was a truly refreshing time as I was thoroughly educated on oral care.


In three sentences, one for each, state three possible consequences of poor oral hygiene.


In three sentences, one for each, state three ways to ensure good oral hygiene.

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