Without using mathematical tables or calculators, evaluate , leaving the answer in standard form.
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Decimals Simplification
Express the decimals in the form whole number x 10n.
Where n = the number of times you have to move the decimal point to obtain a whole number.
If you have to move to the right, n is negative and positive if you have to move to the left.
0.015 = 0.⌒0⌒1⌒5 = 15 x 10-3
0.567 = 0.⌒5⌒6⌒7 = 567 x 10-3
0.05 = 0.⌒0⌒5 = 5 x 10-2
0.189 = 0.⌒1⌒8⌒9 = 189 x 10-3
1. 5 divides itself 1 time and 15, 3 times
2. 189 divides itself 1 time and 567, 3 times
3. am x an = am + m
4. am ÷ an = = am - n
= 9 x 10-6 -(-5)
Note: -- = + or -(-) = +
= 9 x 10-6 + 5
= 9 x 10-1