J.H.S science Revision Notes



Study carefully the laboratory devices illustrated below.


Identify each of the devices A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H.


Name the parts labelled I, II, III and IV.


State the use of each of the devices A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H.


Describe how each of the device A, B, F, G and H is used.


The figure below is an illustration of structures associated with plants.

Study the figure carefully and answer the questions that follow.


Identify the structures A and B.



Name each of the parts labelled I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and ,VIII


State one function of each of the parts labelled II and IV.


State the relationship between structure A and structure B.


State the mode of dispersal of the part labelled VIII.


Name one plant which produces structures similar to B.


The figure below is an illustration of fruits of some plant species.

Study the figure carefully and answer the questions that follow.


In each case name one plant which has fruits similar to those represented in A, B and C.


Name the agent of dispersal of the seeds of each of the fruits A, B and C.


Explain the mode of dispersal of seeds of each of the fruits A, B and C.


State three ways in which dispersal of seeds is important to the plants whose fruits are illustrated above.


Study the diagrams below and answer the questions that follow.


Identify the diagrams A and B.


Name the parts labelled I, II, III and IV.


Tabulate two structural differences between the two types of seeds


State what would be observed when a drop of iodine is added to the part labelled I in B.


Give reasons for your answer.


Describe briefly how each of the following mixtures could be separated:


iron filings and sand


crystals of iodine and charcoal


The time, t taken for the distance x1,x2,x3,x4 and x5 moved by an object from point A to B is shown in the figure below.

Record the corresponding times t1,t2,t3,t4 and t5 in the table below:

Distance x Time t (s)
Raw values of x (cm) Converted values of x (m)


Draw a graph of the converted distance X on the vertical axis against the time t on the horizontal axis.


Determine the slope of the graph.


What does the slope represent?


The figure below shows the three dimensional faces of B, C and D of a rectangular block of wood. The block is weighed using a spring balance as shown in the figure.

Use the figure to answer the questions which follow.


Calculate the area A of each of the surfaces marked B, C and D in metres.


What is the weight F of the block?


Calculate the ratio F A


for surface B.


for surface C.


for surface D.


What does each of the ratios in (iii) above represents?


What conclusion can you draw from the comparism of the ratios you have calculated in (iii) above


The drawings below show two cells A and B from two pieces of onion tissue. Each onion tissue was mounted in either water or salt solution. Use the diagram to answer questions (i) and (ii).


Which cell was from the tissue mounted in water?


Describe and explain the appearance of cell B after about 5 minutes.



State one use of the following apparatus in the laboratory.


Fume chamber


Volumetric flask






What is observed when the following tests are performed in the laboratory?


A glowing splint is dipped into a test tube containing hydrogen.


Hydrogen gas is passed over heated copper (II) oxide.


A piece of coloured cloth is lowered in a test-tube containing chlorine.


Carbon (IV) oxide gas is passed through lime water for a long time.


Study the following diagram and answer the questions which follow it.


Name the parts labelled, I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX and X.



Which of the parts secretes bile?


What is the function of bile?



List two enzymes secreted by the part labelled IV.


What are the functions of each of the two enzymes you have listed in (c)(i) above?


Give one function each of the parts VII and VIII.


The following apparatus is for the laboratory preparation of oxygen.


Name the parts labelled I to IV.


Write down the name(s) of the chemical(s) used in the part labelled IV.


How would you test for the presence of oxygen produced?


Name an apparatus you would use in the laboratory to perform the following


Measure the temperature of boiling water


Measure electric current


Hold a test tube during heating


Vary the resistance in an electric circuit


Measure the diameter of a wire


Grind substance into powdry form


Measure the potential difference between two points in an electric circuit


Determine the number of living organisms within a given area under ecological study


The figure below represents the beginning of an experiment to demonstrate a biological principle using yam tissue.

Study the diagram carefully and answer the questions that follow.


Name the biological principle being demonstrated in this experiment?


What is the role played by the yam tissue?


Draw and label a diagram to illustrate what would be observed if the set up is allowed to stand for 24 hours.


Explain the principle involved in the experiment.


How would you set up a control of the experiment above?


Give one example of the biological principle in each of the following living things:


flowering plants





Study the reaction of liquid A with the named substances in the table and complete the inference column.

Experiment Observation Inference


Liquid A + red litmus
Liquid A + blue litmus

Litmus remained red
Litmus turned red

Liquid is .............


Liquid A + Sodium trioxocarbonate (IV)

Effervescence of colourless gas.

Gas turned lime water milky.

The gas is ..............


Liquid A + Zinc

Bubbles of colourless gas.

The gas burns with "pop" sound.

The gas is ...............


Name a compound which reacts in a similar way as liquid A.


State the color of blue litmus paper in


calcium hydroxide solution


lemon juice


The diagram below represent different types of teeth in humans. Use them to answer the questions that follow.


Identify the diagrams labelled I, II and III.


State briefly the structural adaptation of each too in relation to diet.


State one function of each type of teeth labelled I, II and III.


State two observation differences between the tooth labelled II and III.


Discuss briefly any four measures employed to ensure proper dental hygiene.


The density of a piece of stone is determined by first weighing the stone and measuring the volume of the stone.

Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow.


What is the mass, M of the stone?


What is the volume, V1 of the substance in the measuring cylinder in (b)?


What is the volume, V2 of the substance in the measuring cylinder in (c)?


Determine the volume, V of water displaced by the stone.


Calculate the density of the stone.



The set-up below is used to test for a gas in the laboratory.


Name the part labelled I and II.


Name the gas that is being tested for


Write a balanced equation for the reaction producing the gas you have named in (ii) above.


What are you likely to observe in the test tube containing lime water?


A gas evolved when a mixture of calcium oxide (CaO) and some crystals of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) were heated in a test tube.


Name the gas


Give two physical properties of the named gas.


Write a balanced equation for the reaction that took place.


Suggest two precautions that should be taken when diluting concentrated tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid with water.



Some hazard symbols usually displayed on chemical containers are listed below:


What does each symbol signify?


Give one name of a chemical which can be associated with each of A,B,C,D and E


Name the place where the symbol labelled F is often displayed.


Which of the symbol(s) is/are found on chemical containers?


You are provided with three solutions with pH 2, 7 and 9.

Describe briefly how you would identify the three solutions using red and blue litmus papers.


To determine the density of a piece of a wood, a cuboid of it was used. The mass and volume of the cuboid were then determined.

The figure (a) shows the dimensions of the cuboid while (b) shows the cuboid on weighing scale with full scale reading of 1 kg.


Calculate the volume of the cuboid.


Read and record the mass, m of the cuboid.


Calculate the density of the piece of wood.



Identify each of the structures A,B and C


Name each of the parts labelled I,II,III,IV,V,VI and VII


State one function of each of the parts labelled I, II,V,VI and VII.


What is the relationship between the structures B and C


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